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The first step

to become an investor

Receive free advice from a specialized executive

Invest young

and secure your future self

Investing in a property today is very easy and requires little investment capital.

Our projects are well executed, boutique buildings strategically located in the city, designed to improve the lifestyle of people for its connectivity which translates into a high demand for rent.

We also offer you several benefits to increase your profitability so that your property practically pays for itself.



Quintavista Building
Open your window and look at the park.

Why Norte Verde?

Why Norte Verde?


of experience


of advice and step-by-step follow-up


with vision of future


additional benefits for belonging to the investor's club

What do

our customers say?

"... the seriousness, the clarity, the closeness, and most importantly, the total commitment that there is to the client. I have had an excellent experience so far".
"... I always found it complex to invest, however the advice and guidance I was given allowed me to decide to acquire a property..."

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Canal de denuncias NV
De acuerdo con lo dispuesto por la Ley N° 20.393 sobre Responsabilidad Penal de las Personas Jurídicas y alineados con nuestro compromiso hacia la transparencia y el bienestar integral de todos nuestros stakeholders, en Norte Verde hemos establecido un canal de comunicación especial, conocido como ''Canal de Denuncias".
Este canal está diseñado para que trabajadores, ejecutivos, directores, asesores, contratistas, subcontratistas, proveedores, clientes y terceros tengan la facultad de reportar y/o consultar sobre situaciones, comportamientos, anomalías o faltas a los valores y principios que rigen nuestro Código de Ética, así como a otras normativas y políticas internas, la Ley RPPJ, o cualquier otra legislación o normativa aplicable en el territorio nacional.
El Canal de Denuncias garantiza la confidencialidad y el anonimato de los denunciantes, en estricta conformidad con las disposiciones legales vigentes.
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